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6 Dairy-free drinks to try

Dairy-free doesn’t have to be dreary! Be it for food intolerance reasons, general health or moral inclinations, going dairy-free is a trend that is sweeping the foodie world. And while tons of foods are appropriate for a dairy-free diet, sometimes finding a frothy drink can take some extra effort. Here are seven fun beverages that will fulfill any dairy-like cravings — without using any dairy products.

Coconut Milk

1. Goodbelly

Probiotics are all the rage these days. And with benefits such as improved digestive functioning and immune strength, it’s understandable. But many probiotics come in dairy-heavy products such as yogurt. Goodbelly is a probiotic fruit drink that’s dairy free. With delicious-sounding flavors like cranberry watermelon, black currant and pomegranate blackberry and a 12-day money back guarantee, how could you lose?

2. True blue smoothie

As founder of and author of Go Dairy Free: The Guide and Cookbook, Alisa Fleming is an expert on dairy-free delights, and one of her favorite drinks is her own true-blue smoothie. It’s a rich mixture of blueberries, bananas, milk substitute and spinach. (Yep, spinach.) Fleming says that the spinach is a non-issue once you taste how scrumptious this drink is. “Trust me on this one: Don’t omit the spinach. The blueberries mask the green color, resulting in a beautiful purple beverage.”

3. Coconut milk

Kelly Courson, lifestyle editor of, is lactose intolerant and swears by coconut milk. “I love coconut milk in my coffee and even serve it to guests. One friend who can eat whatever she wants started using coconut milk in her coffee after tasting it at my house,” she says.

4. Dairy Queen’s Frozen Limeade

While Dairy Queen might seem like a dairy-free nightmare, the dessert chain actually offers treats that won’t hurt even the most sensitive lactose-intolerant tummy. Try the frozen limeade for tart, headache-inducing goodness.

5. Boulevards Dairy-Free Sweet-Dark hot chocolate mix

This mix is your fix for warming up on the coldest winter day. Just add two tablespoons to a mug of your favorite piping hot milk substitute, like soy-free Silk Pure Almond milk, and slurp in the warmth.

6. Starbucks soy caffe misto

Coffee houses are some of the easiest places to avoid dairy because they cater to those with food allergies and intolerances in a way other food chains don’t. Try Starbucks’ soy caffe misto for a dairy-free version of a café au lait.

7. Homemade chai tea

For a coffeehouse experience in your house, make your own chai tea by replacing the milk from a regular recipe with the milk substitute of your choosing. Most recipes call for two cups of milk and one tea bag for two servings. Personalize the chai to your taste with your own ratio of honey, cardamom, anise, ginger, cloves, and cinnamon. Simmer everything but the tea bag for five minutes, and then let the tea steep to desired strength.

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